Thursday, June 21, 2012

Something Weird From Japan

I know I promised all of you a review, but this is just too funny to pass up!

If you haven't seen these before, they're old commercials for an energy drink called Alinamin. Sounds basic, right? However, what makes the commercials so...unique, is the fact that, in typical Japanese fashion, there's all sorts of weird imagery flashing on the screen, not to mention the fact that Arnold Schwarzenegger, the brawny man himself, is in them. If you thought he was crazy before, take a look at the link below, and you'll see a side of him you may never want to see again:

These commercials are definitely old, as they look to be from the late 80s to early 90s. In addition to the age, it's looks as though Arnold is speaking Japanese (duh!), and doing a good job of it. However, him speaking Japanese just makes the commercials that much more creepy. Even so, they're a blast to watch at least a few times, so give the link a go if you're the adventurous type.

See you again this weekend sometime. Until then, stay Otaku!

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