Saturday, January 25, 2014

Justin Carmical: a.k.a. JewWario (R.I.P.)

Jesus Christ, I've been having the specter of death hanging around me lately!

Alright, a little rewind is in order. This past Wednesday, I went over my Mother's deceased friend's house, and helped out her husband (Nick is his name, if you were wondering) move a dead llama out of the barn. Nick was doing okay, but I could see the look in his eyes that he was just wrecked. Hell, I didn't even refuse the 15 dollars he gave me, in case he lost his temper! To make his situation even worse, another animal (A goat) died on Thursday. I was supposed to go over and help bury the body, but due to a family matter on his side, and how bad the weather was supposed to be this weekend, the burial was delayed until another day. However, the death of these two animals pales in comparison to the tragedy that I have just recently learned about.

On January 23, 2014, fellow gamer & reviewer Justin Carmical, better known by his reviewer name JewWario, tragically took his own life by gunshot. I know little about what transpired, except that he locked himself in his bathroom, while his wife was begging him not to go through with it. Sadly, things did not turn out well.

Justin, you and I have never met. Fuck it, I rarely watched your videos. With that said, when I did watch one of your videos (Whether it was by yourself, or in one of your many crossovers, doesn't matter), I could see the love and passion shine through, not to mention the immense amount of respect that you had for your viewers. While I didn't meet you on this planet, when I get up to the heavens above, I'm sure to game with you once in a while.

I know this is another sudden post, but I couldn't bare to not talk about this. If you would be willing to take a couple minutes out of your schedule, please check out the links below. It would mean a lot to myself, not to mention his friends, family, and fans.

To anyone who has read this, thank you very much. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day/night.

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