Friday, February 14, 2014

The Top 5 Strongest Women In Anime

It’s been quite a while since I talked about anime characters on here. I’ve talked about nice guys, cute girls, and sexy girls that can kick a little ass. So, I’m going back to the fairer sex for another top 5 list, but this one’s gonna be a little different. This time around, I’m gonna look at what I consider to be the top 5 strongest females in anime. I’m not talking about physical strength (Although it’ll factor in a little for some), but more on the strength of their character. Their strength of personality, their conviction, and overall how they better themselves & others. Also, since it’s Valentine’s Day, I figured today’s a good day to talk about the ladies, and give you a little Valentine’s treat. Enjoy!

5) Chi from Chobits (Sample: “***”)

We start off this list with a character that you wouldn’t necessarily expect to be a strong individual. This is especially true at the beginning of Chobits, where Chi is essentially a baby/child, and has to be taught just about everything by Hideki. As she begins to learn and understand the world around her, she is capable of saying some incredibly profound & heartfelt things. So heartfelt, in fact, that she can change people, or at the very least make people feel better.

4) Sasami from Tenchi Muyo (Sample: “***”)

Sasami is a lot like Chi in certain respects. She’s young, sweet, and very eager to learn about the world. What sets Sasami apart from Chi is that, in a sense, doesn’t necessarily need to learn anymore. Thanks to the spirit of Tsunade living within her, there are moments where Sasami can exhibit moments of surprising maturity. Not only that, but he can cook, clean, and do a lot of things normal adults do. With that said, she still acts like a kid most of the time, and has all of the questions & vulnerabilities a child would typically have.

3) Amy from Sailor Moon (Sample: “***”)

I was not a Sailor Moon fan for the longest time. When I actually managed to catch an episode, chances are my parents would come in at the wrong opportunity, and they would typically pick on me because of it. After going through this a couple times, my mild enjoyment of the show turned into a quite hate. It wasn’t until about a year ago when I began going to Sailor Moon panels, and somehow my love for the show came back.

Even before this, I was always a fan of Amy, a.k.a. Sailor Mercury. She always seemed like the smartest of the bunch, and appeared to keep her emotions in check the best. On top of that, she was punctual, and always had a goal for herself. If that’s not an example of a strong girl/woman in anime, I don’t know what is.

2) Belldandy from Ah My Goddess (Sample: “***”)

Belldandy was just inches away from taking the number 1 spot. Practically inches away from number 1. Ultimately, what caused me to put her here was her emotions. For the most part, Belldandy can keep them in check. She’s calm, serene, and always has a smile on her face. There are moments in seasons 1 & 2, however, where her emotions can run wild. In particular, she can become rather angry, or incredibly jealous, and this sometimes leads into problems that everybody suffers through. With that said, Belldandy is the most compassionate female lead I’ve seen in years! She never judges anyone (Except for those who are evil. Even then, she’s willing to give them at least a second chance), and always does everything she can to make people happy, or lead them onto a path where they can find happiness themselves. Again, easily the most compassionate female lead I’ve had the pleasure to watch.

1) Prince Knight from Princess Knight (Sample: “***”)

You’re probably a little confused by this choice, and you probably don’t know who this character is. Well, it’s time for a little story:

Princess Knight was created by legendary animator Osamu Tezuka, who created equally legendary shows like Kimba the White Lion, Astro Boy, and Black Jack. What makes Princess Knight such a special show in his arsenal is that it was the first Shojo anime ever created, and Prince Knight is a rather special character. According to the story, a mischievous angel named Choppy gave an unborn girl the heart of a boy. After being born, this girl exhibits the braveness and courage of a boy, but still has the sweet tenderness of her gender. Oh, did I mention that she’s the princess of a place called Silverland, and because she was born as a girl, she had to disguise her gender because the kingdom could go to a more foul individual? Well, now I did.

What sets her apart from just about most other anime girls/women is that she understands the circumstance she’s been put in. She understands that her true identity could cause harm, but Prince Knight doesn’t mind. She doesn’t want people to be sad, and does all that she can for those who are downtrodden or can’t help themselves. Prince Knight knows many of the horrors of the world, and isn’t afraid to take them on.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this little bonus post on the strongest women in anime. See you all next time, and until then, stay Otaku!

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