Thursday, May 22, 2014

Ultimate Warrior: The Ultimate Collection Review

Hey everybody!

Earlier this week, I’ve posted up the next-to-last review of my musical review tour. I’ve really enjoyed doing this for the past couple months, but sometimes things must come to an end (In more ways than one). As I’m getting ready for my last review, I thought I’d put up another wrestling related post. Since the tragic death of the Ultimate Warrior last month, the WWE hasn’t quite been the same. There’s a dark cloud hanging over the company, and it might not go away anytime soon.

However, we can’t all be so down all the time, since today’s review is perhaps one of the best that I’ve ever seen from the company. It’s very energetic, intense, and all around just an absolute blast to watch! So put on your facepaint, tie up the boots, and charge into a seat to read this review for Ultimate Warrior: The Ultimate Collection!

There is a lot to like about this collection, but I’m going to focus on three points. These points are what really makes the collection into a great piece. The first is the warrior himself.

James Brian Hellwig hadn’t been on television for quite some time. After his retirement he had a short run as a conservative speaker, and did a bunch of other things to pass the while. So for the longest time, nobody had see him on television. It wasn’t until the past one to two years that sightings of him were popping up. WWE had got back in contact with him after the Ultimate Warrior was place in the then new WWE game (I think it was WWE 2013, but I’m not sure). After that, he and the company began talking back and forth, enough to the point where he actually started working with him. This DVD collection was one of the first things he worked on: unlike The Self-Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior from 2005, Mr. Hellwig was in complete control of what happen. He alone was the only person that talked about his life story, career, etc. So the focus this time around was on him, not the people around him.

Secondly, there’s a really good consistency in this collection. It starts out in the early days, then goes to the middle, and ends up at....the end (Redundant, I know). Sure, a lot of these DVD collections follow this path, but there seems to be more cohesiveness here than in some of the others. I’m sorta pulling this part out of my ass, since I’ve only watch this collection, and Tombstone: History of the Undertaker from 2005, but at the same time I wouldn’t be surprised if some of this was true.

Finally, what makes this DVD collection so good is it’s content. I vaguely remember his matches in the early 90s, and those were very special to me. Now, I can relive those matches in higher details. Not only that, but I can also watch matches that came before hand, and the matches that came after Dad & I stopped watching. The Ultimate Collection is a fantastic mix of matches, background stories, promos, and other things wrestling fans might not know. Alongside the Warrior’s commentary, this treasure trove of videos is an essential for a wrestling fan’s collection.

It was actually really difficult to find something wrong with this collection. Even thought I’ve watched through it only twice, I honestly couldn’t find any flaws. If there was anything that I could assume to be a problem, if would be that nobody he worked with came on to offer up something. True, in the 2005 Self-Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior release some of the higher-ups practically took a dump on his career (I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the other wrestlers shat on him also, since I’ve never watched the 2005 release), but it wouldn’t hurt to have even a tiny splash of some of the wrestlers that worked with the warrior. Apart from that, I see nothing wrong with this collection.

The Ultimate Collection is a very recent release, having just come on the first of last month. I got my copy of the collection on Amazon, where I got it for a fair price. The DVD edition of the collection goes for a little over 16 dollars new (And just near 16 dollars used), while the Blu-Ray* edition goes for almost 20 and a half dollars new, and almost 20 dollars used. This is a really affordable collection for anybody who’s a fan of the Ultimate Warrior, and one that you shouldn’t miss.

Overall Impression & Rating
If you are a wrestling fan, you must buy this album. If you’re a fan of the Ultimate Warrior, you need to buy this album. If you enjoy a documentary that isn’t corrupted by a personal vendetta from a company, then this collection is perfect!

The Ultimate Collection gets a 9.5 out of 10.

See you all next week. Until then, stay Otaku!

The Blu-Ray edition of The Ultimate Collection comes with extras, including bonus matches & extra commentary.

The last words we’ll ever hear from The Ultimate Warrior. Enjoy.

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