Monday, May 13, 2013

The Top 5 Cutest Anime Girls

Hello there! With my 2nd-year anniversary underway, let’s get some more anime into our veins. I think it’s safe to say that some of our favorite characters are the ladies. Old-school, new-school, it doesn’t matter: anime girls are damn popular. Over the course of this week, I’ll be posting up some articles just for the ladies, with a nice nod towards the end of the week for the guys. To get things started, here’s a post for the top 5 cutest girls in anime. 

5) Misty from Pokemon

Let’s begin this list with a classic. I think it’s safe to say that most fans of anime in the 90s at least gave Pokemon glancing looks, and one of those characters that they probably saw was Misty, the water trainer. She was bratty, and could come across as a snot at times, but there were plenty of moments where she could come across as cute & innocent. I think we can all agree that some of these cute/innocent moments came up whenever there was a bug on screen, her shrikes of fear were just hilarious, but the moments where she was kind & caring were surprisingly touching.

4) Ed from Cowboy Bebop

Another classic cutie, Ed is just one of those characters that you can’t help but smile at. She might not have sex appeal like Misty, but she makes up for that by being massively hyperactive, and just acting very child-like. There’s a kind of innocence to her that you can’t quite describe, but somehow is understandable. Her view of the world is filled with both the positive and the negative, and somehow she manages to come out on top.....and creates an explosion or two in the process.

3) Miharu from Girls Bravo

Now, this character is on the list for two reasons. The first is her figure: Miharu has perhaps one of the best bodies. She’s curvy, but not too curvy. Her chest is well-sized, but not to the point of being massive (That last point is ironic, given how big some of the girls are in the shows). Overall, Miharu’s body is just perfect.

The other reason for Miharu being on this list is her outlook on life. Miharu is a highly innocent person, on top of being an incredibly naive person, but not the bad kind of naive. She simply doesn’t know how things on Japan/Earth work, and these lead to hordes of comical moments...and plenty of fan-service to boot!

2) Sasami from Tenchi Muyo

I will say right here and now.....I love this character to death! He has to be, hands down, one of the cutest anime girls every created for the medium. The voice actor, Sherry Lynn, really creates a very, very innocent voice for the character. It’s very kind, sweet, and comforting in all the right ways. Even if Sherry Lynn didn’t provide the voice, Sasami is still damn cute. She’s very thoughtful, a hard worker, sensitive, adorable, and actually can be more intelligent than the adults in the show when given the right situation.

Now, before we get to number one, I would just like to say that originally I was going to have Miharu at the number two spot on this list. What ultimately caused me two switch between the two was to have some variety from number 3 to number 1. With that being said, let’s look at our number one.

1) Chi From Chobits

Now, Chi took the number one spot from Sasami.....but only just. Much like when I did my first Top 5 Songs To Kill people (Click “***” to read that post), the number 2 & number 1 spot are just inches away from each other. Whereas the number 2 & number 1 spots in that post were separated because of being unexpected & surprised, the number 2 & number 1 in this post are separated by sheer innocence. Chi has to be one of the most innocent girls in anime, more so than the rest of the girls on this list, and perhaps the medium as a whole. Her body isn’t anything impressive (But it is lovely), but she goes though life in such a way that can only be compared to that of a child. It’s sweet and adorable, but there are moments where Chi can be incredibly profound, and understand the pain of people, despite being a machine.

See you all this Wednesday/Thursday, when we’ll look at some of the sexiest anime girls. Until then, stay Otaku!

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